Thursday, August 04, 2005

"I'm Rich Biatch!"

It's over. There will be no more Chapelle Show. The much awaited third season will not be airing, in it's entirety at least. About half of the season has been taped, but months ago, Dave took off to South Africa and the project has been in limbo ever since. It's kinda sad. This, along with Reno 911, was one of the best shows that Comedy Central had ever put out. It was just as good as The Daily Show. And that's saying a lot, since not much can come close to the comedic gold that is Jon Stewart and his Daily Show pals.

Charlie Murphy has started to hammer the nails in the show's coffin. He states, in a recent interview pulled from the ABC news site, the following:
"`Chappelle's Show' is over, man. Done," comic Charlie Murphy told TV Guide. "It took me a long time to be able to say those words, but I can say it pretty easy now, because it's the truth."
Darkness has spoken. The sun has set on a great show. I just hope that Comedy Central can fill the void with something, and by something, I don't mean re-runs of the first two seasons and his "Killing 'em Softly" HBO special. Quit milking the dead cow Comedy Central. Please, just let it end with a small amount of dignity.


|absolute absurdities| said...

Man that's an outrage and here I was patiently awaiting his return. Why all the good shows always end so soon?

|absolute absurdities| said...

Man that's an outrage and here I was patiently awaiting his return. Why all the good shows always end so soon?

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