Monday, August 01, 2005

Baby Target Practice

I came across this picture online while surfing through the thousands upon thousands of websites that I rife through in an attempt to increase the traffic to this little corner of the internet, and . . um . . shit, I'm rambling again. What's this about? Oh yeah, babies being used for target practice. And it's about goddamn time too. Seriously, what are these babies doing other than shitting, eating, vomiting, and pissing all over the place. That's right, put them to work. Nothing more stress-relieving than shooting sucktion darts from a realistic looking dart gun at a baby. Just look at that toddler's face. Priceless.

Now, you can call me evil all you want, but remember that I only endorse sucktion darts. I don't endorse the use of live ammunition, or even gerbils being shot out of cannons. So, all the "mommies" that spend countless hours online looking for something to be offended by . . . zip it. Shouldn't you be in the kitchen anyway? You know, baking that pie that your husband asked for 2 days ago? Sheesh.


Kevin said...

As a father of three (including a 1 year-old) I'm offended. I'm also laughing my ass off.

Perdita said...

so that's where my childhood pictures went

Big D said...

LEts break out the nerf guns!

|absolute absurdities| said...

Crazy dan needs a spell checker for his blog comments.


Jaime said...

i'm willing to bet that Dan says "nucular" instead of nuclear.

i'm also betting that my wife hasn't seen this post, as my balls remain intact.

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