Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tarnished Glitter

I don't know what frame of mind Mariah Carey was in when she made the claim below regarding the dismal business her film debut "Glitter" managed to drum up.
“I released it around September 11, 2001,” the singer told Swiss newspaper Sonntags Zeitung as translated on fan site MariahDaily. “The talk shows needed something to distract from 9/11. I became a punching bag. I was so successful that they tore me down because my album was at number 2 instead of number 1. The media was laughing at me and attacked me.”

Wait, what?? The movie Glitter was actually good? And the only reason it grossed just about half of it's production cost was because the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center? Had all the people that perished that day been intending on watching your movie, and their plans were interrupted by dying? It all makes sense now.


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Mariah Carey is not well informed and people who are not well informed have a lot of excuses for their failures and frustrations.

I watched the movie and I am not surprised that it was a failure.

The screenplay was like something from a Junior High Class term paper.

Let her go for lesson on acting from Jennifer Lopez.

Anonymous said...

you know, your blogs are pretty interesting. but try using a white background and black font. it wouldn't hurt my eyes as much. thank u and have a wonderful day.

Crazy Dan said...

I like the format as is personally but its your blog

Jaime said...

the format stays. sorry, read at your own caution. jaime heavy industries does not take any responsibility in making anyone's eyes hurt.

jane said...

i've never even heard of that movie.

Katie said...

Yeow - she really said that???

Jaime said...

Chubby Carrey is delusional. She also thinks she's attractive and that she's got a singing voice that everyone adores.

i am personally not a fan of crazy chicks that screech their way through a whole song, but that's just me.

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