Friday, July 22, 2005

Anarchistic Mooninite Desires

I'm joining The Sal in his anarchistic, anti-establishment, pro-"fuck work" stance and dedicating this to all the supervisors, managers, and in general everyone that makes more money than we do. In the work related totem pole, we're pretty low. So this is directed towards a lot of people. And I hope they can see it, because I'm blogging it as hard as I can.


|absolute absurdities| said...

Right on man!

I see you put a freakin banner on your blog...YOU FREAK!

Mike said...

well, your definitely in need of some help. fortunately, there is something that can help you. we can save your soul and you can be less stressed about death. I know you think your smart...but youd be smarter to repent and be saved.
The church of Jesus Christ of Even More Latter Day Saints

|absolute absurdities| said...

and yet another run in with your blog...will it ever stop?

Anonymous said...

I join you in your pixelated flipoff!

Jaime said...

"your third dimension . . . it's cute, we have 5..." - ignignoth

"... thousand! 5 thousand!" - urr

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