Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Craving Adoptions

Angelina Jolie, amidst rumors of being pregnant with the illegitimate love child of Brad Pitt, is adopting again. This time, she's adopting an African little girl who's parents were lost to AIDS. Now, I would normally say "good for you kind citizen", but this is Jolie. I don't want to see her in some sort of matronly role . . unless I've been a bad boy and she's handing out spankings . . . er . . I mean . . oh forget it.

She already has one adopted Cambodian child. Adopting third world country babies must be like getting tattoos . . .you can't stop at one. Has she ever heard of the "Adopt a Highway" program? It would end up being cheaper. And seriously, if you saw what she named this poor little girl. What is up with celebrities and picking for their kids outlandish (or unique) names. What ever happened to "Bob" or "Anne". Any day now, those are going to be the new hot/weird names. Once the morons in Hollywood extinguish their source of clever namesakes . . . they'll get back to the good ol' regular names.

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