Monday, June 27, 2005

Jack Nicholson Loves Dildos

I have to hand it to ol' Jackie boy, he sure does have brass balls. I guess they complement his black dildo pretty well, and it is a shame that they are not prominently displayed. A shame for the female readers (if there are any) that is. Me, I'd rather Nicholson keep his privates private. I mean, they are called privates for a reason. When I first saw this, I did do a double-take. For a split-second, I thought that was just a well tanned Lara Flynn Boyle dangling from between his legs. I guess it was that look on his face that led me to believe that. If I had Lara Flynn Boyle between my legs I'd have that same scared shitless look as well. Woman looks like she hasn't eaten in decades, and this might lead her to be a "biter". Ouch.

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