Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Noticed this on my google ads (are you clicking on them??), and this seriously sent a chill down my spine. Dick Cheney for president in '08?! What? Are they serious? They want this slimy prick of a man to run the country? I guess if they want to keep their 12 year insurgency battle-strategy . . . he would be the right man for the job. I seriously will migrate north to Canada if the democrats lose the '08 election to this jackassed anti-christ. I don't care if I move to the frenchy area, anything would be better than living in a country run by a Dick.


Meowomon said...

Antichrist Coulter probably had them printed up!

Big D said...

Ann Coulter is hot!

Jaime said...

is Ann Coulter going to be your "GOTD" big D? lol. i dare you to find a decent looking picture of her.

dabydeen said...

Come on up. And you don't have to go to the frency part -- only on vacation maybe.

Also, ever wonder how he got the slimey dick? Was it the oil?

Stephen said...

Clicking on your ads would be more applealing if they were targeted to your blog content.

I reached your blog through BlogExplosion, which shows me your blog in a frame. Unfortunately, Google's adsense ads don't work perfectly in frames by default.

Adding one line to your adsense should fix it up, though. In the script tag that sets up all of your variables (like 'google_ad_client'), add the following on its own line: "google_page_url = document.location;"

It shouldn't affect your ads if they're not being viewed in a frame, but if they are, it makes a world of difference.


Jaime said...

thanks for the tip there Mr Stephen Ward. i have implemented the additional code into the vertical banner.

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