Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lohan Loves Borderline Boys?

Lindsey Lohan was pictured with this young . . . err . . . man, I think . . . um, in New York City. Could it be a new "boy"friend? Maybe she's trying to shake that cocaine-snorting slut image she's worked on for the past couple of years and now settling for a more refined, and Liza Minelli-esque persona. You know, the kind of woman that hangs out or marries extremely effiminate men in an effort to quelch the rumors that no one could ever love them. So, good on you Lindsey Lohan. Hang out with your effiminate queer boy. I'm sure the test tube babies will look gorgeous.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

his fireman does not want to put out her fire-crotch.

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