Thursday, March 02, 2006

Nugget of Fatherly Wisdom

I don't think about my father much these days. But this, for some odd reason, started to pop into my mind and it's been mulling in there for a couple of minutes. And since mulling about stuff usually drives me bat-shit crazy, I need to get it out of my system.

My father was a very bright, ambitious, and rather misguided individual. I say "was" even though he's still alive. I don't talk to him or maintain any sort of communication with him. But that's another story. Even though he was all that, he had some strange notions about the future. Often when I was a young kid, I would ask him why we didn't have a home personal computer. For some reason, he was against the whole notion of computers and would often tell me that those who did not know how to use them would eventually rule the world. Thinking back to those days when I would be told this from time to time I can't help but doubt the intelligence behind that statement.

It's clear that to succeed in this world you need a working knowledge of computing. Nothing much is done on paper these days. I don't even cash checks, it's all directly deposited into my bank account and then I go online and pay bills directly from the online banking site so that I don't have to write checks or waste money on stamps. So that nugget of wisdom has become as obsolete as my relationship (or lack thereof) that I used to have with my dear ol' pops.

Maybe I'll post more things about him in the near future, and believe you me, if it indeed does come to the point within my lifetime where people who don't know how to turn on a computer are running things, then I will post a full detractionary posting on this blog . . . but chances are I won't have to.

1 comment:

deestract said...

Wow, it's not often that we get a glimpse into the *real* Jaime. It's kinda cool.
Anyway, if the computer-illiterate suddenly vanished, wouldn't you be out of a job? Just a thought...

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