Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Best V-Mail Ever

I wish I knew how to quit you Squirley

We come across some wacky things at work. Most of the time it just passes into the realm of fond memory, as we all reminisce about a past caller and just how asinine they were. This time, it's different, as this post will illuminate for you. When you listen to this, you will hear one of the craziest clients I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. And what's best about it is, I actually listened to this v-mail before I talked to him live. Yeah, it was a strange sort of coincidence.

But what awaits you in this rare audio post here on BAFW. Well, this guy had a bone to pick with our company president because he did not have the time to talk to him. This clearly set him off on this little diatribe, and since he carries around a "portable soapbox" he figured he'd let everyone know a couple of things. He talks about his mathematical proficiency, his sick kitty, his #1 website ("in the woooorld, excuse me, in the wooooorld") and how he dwarves Attila the Hun in the sheer size of balls he carries with him. It's all good fun, and I edited out his name and any direct mention to the company/employees involved. I did not, however, change anything else, so when he goes into repetition mode, it's not because I made a change to it . . . it's just 'cause he's bat-shit crazy.

Geniuses are irrascible.

That's the self-proclaimed genius himself in that picture above. I was able to find the best "Heating Website in the World" and managed to swipe a picture of the guy and his squirrel. Black bar has been added to provide a certain degree of anonimity by using my "superior" photoshop skills.


deestract said...

He's not stupid.
He's not low-life scum.

He's charming.
He's fun.
His squirrel loves him.

As for the balls he's giving away?
No, thank you.

deestract said...

OH MY FREAKIN' GOD!!!!!!!!!!
"In the WOooorRRRLD!"
Jaime, you have to report this pre-homicidal maniac. A woodchipper!

Jaime said...

all i know is that the "town manager's office is worse than a child molestor". but that's only cause he lives in Pedophilvania.

deestract said...

lol. All *I* know is when he says "the WoooORRRrrld!" I envision his man boobs, which I am sure he possesses, jiggling.

AMHQ said...

We should make an animation to accompany the audio.

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