Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mariah Carey gets Jackson'd

It seems whatever affliction struck Janet Jackson turning her toned body into a walrus is starting to afflict other female singing divas. Case in point: Mariah Carey, who is starting to look more and more like Drew Carey. This I gather from the looks of this picture, taken from a German television appearance on the popular show "Die Fattie Hour" (relax, die = the in German). Does this woman own a mirror? And if so, is it one of those funhouse type mirrors that make you look thinner? If that's the case, I need to ask her where she buys those things. I needs me one.

I never thought Mariah was hot, so this is just icing on the cake for me. I never thought that she was particularly talented either, but with her new look, she could totally join up with those Weathergirl singing sensations and do a new version of "It's Raining Men", but this time, with all new and improved ear-drum exploding action.


|absolute absurdities| said...

yeah she is getting a little chunky there. Maybe it's the new "in" thing. LOL!

Jaime said...

too much junk in that trunk if you ask me.

deestract said...

tsk tsk. as a former chunky/junky woman, you too need to stop being haters!

deestract said...

hush up. I'm just sayin'! I was merely defending her size, not her mental state, though I'd probably side with her on that one, too. No wonder what, ese? Pssh.

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