Thursday, May 04, 2006

Upcoming June Satanic Movie

No, not the Omen, which opens on 6/06/06 . . . but this movie should have the same release date. It's that evil. What could be so dastardly wrong to get my pantalones in a bunch? Another Garfield movie. I'll let that sink in for a second.

WTF AMERICA!!! (that's quickly becoming a catch phrase for me). "Garfield: A Tail of Two Kittens" is being released this year, and I have to say, this kind of sneaked up on me. Totally under the radar. I saw the first Garfield on cable a couple of weeks ago . . . and it was terrible. I won't tell you the kind of state of mind I was in at that time that precipitated that decision . . . ok, fine, I was a little tipsy. Most of my dumbest decisions are fueled by Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Check out the trailer here. If you're feeling masochistic that is. Otherwise, try to avoid this at all costs. Parents, if you take your child to see this, consider it child abuse. Child Services will be knocking on your door faster than you can drop your baby on its head, Sean Preston Spears-style.

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