Monday, February 12, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell - Bitchasaurus Rex

While I loathe everything about Rosie O'Donnell, you have to realize that I am not a big fan of Anna Nicole Smith. Sure, she was fun to laugh at whenever she was on television, slurring every other syllable . . . but this video of Rosie talking about her aired the day she died on "The View". So, if my super-detective skills are currently turned on (yes, there's a switch) and I put my deductive reasoning/keep the alien signals away tin-foil hat on, I can only come up with one conclusion. Rosie O'Donnell killed Anna Nicole Smith. It's right there in the video. She didn't want to see her anymore on television. I did think her impersonation of Smith was pretty dead on. Ha . . get it. See you in hell Rosie.

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