Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Training Post (With Added Bonus)

So, my training has commenced with the new company I am now working for, and it's going pretty great actually. I learned today, that since the majority of my shift is after 5:00 PM, I automatically get a 10% raise right off the bat. So, while I was a little on the worried side that I would be making a little less than when I was with Panda Software, it ends up being that now I make more. Score. And the training so far isn't even all that challenging. I'm sure that as time progresses (6 whole weeks worth of time) things will start getting a little more complicated. But right now, I'm enjoying easy-street.

A little interesting sidenote. We were doing an exercise to help us learn each other's names. We would start at the beginning, say the person's name and then what they would have brought to a picnic that starts with the first letter of their names. For example, "My name is Jaime and I'll be bringing Jack Daniel's to the picnic". So, as we go around the room, we have to say everyone's name and what they said they would bring to this hypothetical picnic. The things they came up with were bizarre to say the least. I won't go through the entire list, but there was a ton of booze, a monkey, and some guy's nuts. I kid you not. This group of people is strange and I like that.

All in all, a pretty good day. I learned I won't really be able to go online . . . at all . . . while I'm working. Which is fine. I've been abusing this at every other job I had. I don't think I've ever told you about the perverted boss that had me downloading pornography for him on my computer so his wife, who also worked in the office, wouldn't find out. So, yeah, as far as internet goes, I've had it pretty unrestricted. I think this has really affected my work ethic and I'm glad this place is regimenting me so that I can treat this more as a career path rather than some place I go for 8 hours and get paid for it. I didn't expect this to ever happen, this change in me, but I'm guessing it's for the better. And now that I have the new MacBook at home, blogging won't be a problem. I have all morning long to blog.

Oh, and the bonus I was talking about . . . . 1000 post!! I didn't think this would ever happen. Most people post once a day. It's taking me under two years to reach this milestone. And, my Sitemeter tells me that I've accumulated 100,000+ unique visitors with close to 150,000+ page views. Thank you everyone for coming back after you didn't find the pictures of (insert celebrity name here) doing (insert lewd or lascivious act here) with a (insert inprobable sexual aide). I really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Mike said...

1000 post!! You the man!

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