Thursday, February 08, 2007

HDH - Avril Lavigne

Despite having teeth that make me want to take up wooden-stake crafting and garlic wreath manufacturing, Avril Lavigne can look good on occasion. Hump-able? Perhaps. She definitely does in these pictures. And, fortunately, her Sum 41 lead singer/real life land gnome, husband is no where to be seen. He kinda gives me the creeps. But, it is nice that he found a chick he could actually say he was taller than. Otherwise, he would have to had troll (figuratively and actively) Canadian elementary schools for height-appropriate dates. Enough about him though. Below is the picture that swayed my decision to include her in the venerable and pedigree-laden HDH entries. How did she know I had a thing for Catholic schoolgirls.


Anonymous said...

I think i should be offended by posts of this nature. Jaime we are fighting.


Jaime said...

There's that "thinking" again. What'd I tell you about that woman!

I'm probably going to die when I get home when she reads this. Enjoy the blog while I'm still breathing folks.

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