Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Developing Metal-Phobia

I'm not developing a phobia of metal music bands (although . . . they have the capacity of creeping me out), but rather of actual metal. This year has been pretty fear-inducing for me as every piece of metal I touch somehow manages to shock the fuck out of me. I get electrocuted on a daily basis. And the most of the time, the culprit is my car.

You can ask my wife just how many times we get shocked by my Mazda 3. The door handles are all metal, so that doesn't help. I keep hesitating every time I reach for that damn door handle. Like today, when I went to move my car in the morning. I tentatively touched the handle, and no shock came through. I had not removed my fingertips from the door as I went to lift the handle and then . . . Zzzzapp! It shocks me. That bastard had a delayed reaction to me touching it. It's like my car is playing mind games with me.

The other instance of me not being able to touch metal is whenever I go to 7-11. It doesn't matter what time it is, what the weather is like that day/night. I always get shocked when I open the door. It's gotten so bad that I either pull my sleeve over my hand and/or use my wallet as a buffer between me and the metal handle. This works pretty well, but I have to sometimes nudge the door with my shoe, and even with that, I've gotten shocked in the foot before. Through my sneakers.

So, you can see why I have much trepidation when handling anything metallic. Maybe I'm more prone to getting shocked than most people, or maybe people handle this better than I do and don't write blog posts about it. I don't know.


Anonymous said...

If you have a lot of sodium or iron in your system then you're an easy conduit for static electricity. Cut down on the corn flakes, pickles, and
$1.39 taquitos and see if it helps.

Jaime said...

I think the fact that GOD has it out for me makes me a viable candidate for getting electrocuted every time I touch something metallic.

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