Wednesday, February 14, 2007

St. Valentines - Why?

Why is St. Valentines day considered a holiday? We don't get it off from work. Banks and the Postal Service are still operating. Nothing changes. Just the flower and greeting card industries have a surge of income and then it tapers off until the next year. And who is this St. Valentine anyway? You can read up on it here, but I doubt that in the Roman times, people were giving each other candy and greeting cards on a specific day. Hell, I watch "Rome" all the time on HBO and all they give each other there (because as you know, it's a documentary) is anal-rapings and short-swords to the gut. Doesn't sound all that lovey-dovey to me.

But, every year, women get all excited about it. My wife is expecting a "surprise" of some sort today. I have no idea what I will do. I keep trying to think of different things that we can do together today, but most (if not all) restaurants will be booked and I can't just show up with flowers. Well, maybe I can . . . but that will be expected. Specially if she reads this post.

Oh, funny little anecdote. Ten minutes ago, the early shift here was talking about how Valentines Day was a joke, when I mentioned to them "Well, isn't every day Valentines Day when you're married?" They all laughed, those cynical bastards. I was expecting it though. I haven't been married as long as some of them, and I don't have kids. But that's how it should be. There shouldn't be one mandatory day every year to flex your romantic muscle(s). It should be an all the time thing. And I know I'm personally guilty of not flexing those romantic muscles lately, but when you're a guy who's not all that in touch with his feelings, like myself, it can be hard to do that.

So, in summation. This holiday should be boycotted. Treat your significant other like it's Valentines Day every day and read up on the Wikipedia article to expand on your trivial knowledge of things.

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