Thursday, February 23, 2006

Urban Dead Update

I've been playing this low-tech MMORPG (if you're not a nerd, then you wouldn't know what this is . . . and don't bother finding out) called Urban Dead (link in the sidebar) that I found out about over at Analog Medium. There are no graphics, just a grid map, some text, and not enough action points to satisfy your thirst for killing zombies. But, despite all that, I keep going back . . . like an abused woman who thinks that maybe this time . . . he won't hit me. Ok, enough with the metaphors, here's an update on my progress.

I'm in the suburb of Crowbank, in St. Emilia's Church. We have a generator, which I personally refueled, and there's like 6-7 players in there. A couple of high level players too. The building is heavily barricaded, but not so that we can't go out and get back in. I think I'll be spending some time in this area, trying to level up and buy skills (I needs me more melee %).


AMHQ said...

w00t! I'm coming up to meet you. My character is ColdAsIce. I'm 1-2 suburbs south of you. I have construction now (woot) and melee combat. I'll come help bust some zombie heads.

I can't believe this game doesn't suck. I keep playing it when i get my turn, even if I have to pee, I'm finishing my turn first every time.

Jaime said...

i killed my first zombie today.

|absolute absurdities| said...

man wtf are you guys plyain? Man those freakin zombz are hard to kill...arrggghhh! It got to annoyin for me so i let my man die. Just aint got the patience for

Anonymous said...

How can you have such a hot wife and still have SO much time for video games?

Shouldnt you be "spending time" with her? I am waiting for a neice or nephew dammit!

Jaime said...

i just leveled up. Picked up some melee combat skills. my axe attacks are up to 40%.

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't say I'm "hot" but I do agree with the whole spending time thing....what am i gonna do with this guy?

-da wife

Jaime said...

hey honey, did i mention that i almost killed another zombie today?

i was not able to finish him off though :( .

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Zombies tear human lives apart.

I'm inside St. Gregory's Hospital right near St. Emelia's. I'm heading East. I'm thinking about St. Lorenzo's church. With Freerunning, it's only 2 moves from the church to get to either Dane St. PD or St. Gregory's.

Then my plan is to barricade the church up to extremely heavy, the adjacent buildings to very strong for accessibility. THEN, I'll barricade the hospital and PD up to extremely heavy to keep zeds out. We'll be all fortified.

Then I'll graffiti "MDK" all over the whole suburb.

Map of Crowbank
Wiki info on Crowbank (Crowbank is kinda dangerous)

Jaime said...

i'm in the auto repair shop adjacent to both those PD's in Crowbank. They're extremely barricaded with no way to get in. i was in St. Lorenzo earlier.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking we need to get a building that's off to one side of the suburb, so that we're not a target. You should get that Free Running, and we'll keep our hideout at extremely heavy, and the entry point next to it at very strong so we can get in.

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