Monday, April 03, 2006

Lohan Moons Pre-Teens

The Nickelodeon Kid's Choice awards aired over the weekend, and of course, I didn't watch. I'm no longer 12, or so my driver's license tells me. The kids, on the other hand, love Lindsey Lohan. Specially the young boys, who caught a gander at the Hollywood starlet's bare-ass. She might have been wearing tan panties, but we're going with bare ass here at BAFW, unless we get a statement from her "people", upon which I will call my "people" and have them get some "people" to kick her "people's" bare asses. Ok, maybe not that extreme. I wonder if this made the young boy half of the audience suddenly reach puberty real quick-like. Lohan is cunning like that. This was no accident folks. This was a premeditated attempt to gain more young boy followers. Kids who are too young to remember or know about her crack-whore years. Well played Lohan, well played.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

and a positive role model to young girls everywhere. :)

sluts in training (SLIT's) need to look up to someone.

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