Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Jennifer Love Stupid

It seems that the "great Eskimo actor" Jennifer Love Hewitt is dumber than I originally thought, and that's saying a lot since I thought she had the IQ of an Eggo Waffle . . . untoasted. I'll let her own words do the talking.
"I was on a very important conference call and I was in a dress so I thought, 'I'll let someone else put the gas in the car today.' I never do that. I gave him $40 and I drove away. It never dawned on me to check he'd actually put the gas in the car. He pocketed my $40, never put gas in the car and I get to Robertson, the one street filled with paparazzi and I'm like, 'Oh, it's not going... This is not funny.' I had to get out and I started pushing my Mini Cooper down the street."
Good job Hewitt. And why do we care about this? You're out 40 bucks? Boo-hoo-freakin-hoo. Maybe if the guy had stolen your car and ran you over a couple of times while screaming "I know what you did last summer!!" and then left you for dead so the papparizzi could get a picture of your mangled body . . . I might find this interesting. The only reason I'm posting this is so everyone can see how stupid you are.

And what important meeting was that? You on the phone talking to the studio reps about how much you're going to rip-off Medium this season? Maybe if you shrunk yourself down to midget and dyed your hair blond you might approximate the character that Patricia Arquette has mastered. You might also want to go heavy on the Percodan, since she looks half asleep throughout the whole show . . . but at least she didn't let some guy fake fill her tank up and then drive off . . . you retard.

1 comment:

|absolute absurdities| said...

LMAO @ I thought she had the IQ of an Eggo Waffle . . . untoasted.

Man you sure know how to get a brotha laughing yo!

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