Monday, October 31, 2005

Fortunate Fortune

A co-worker came into the office today with a little piece of paper from SBC. Seems he had a bit of a dispute with them and SBC owed him 33 bucks. The check he received . . . was not for that amount at all. The actual amount on the check was 7.6 million dollars. I shit you not. The numerical amount is on the check along with the written amount on the line and it's all signed and verified. He does not know what to do with it. Suggestions are flying around the office to cash it, deposit it in a savings account and when SBC asks for the money back, to just give it back and keep the interest. My opinion . . . he gets a lawyer and then try to keep the money. One of those shady lawyers that only gets paid once you win your case.

People are currently crowding him and telling him to deposit it. I hope he does, 'cause I need a new best-friend. It's a win-win situation for him. He gets the cash and to be my new best-friend. People have killed to be just an acquaintance of mine.


|absolute absurdities| said...
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|absolute absurdities| said...
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|absolute absurdities| said...

ohh the lenghts ppl will go to get a lil cash in there pockets. And here i thought i was such a good friend, even if the wallet was a little low on funds!


|absolute absurdities| said...

hey sorry bout that...i was having password dyslexia for a minute!

Jaime said...

oh come on the sal. you don't have a check for 7 million in your hands right?

LOL. hey, call me bitch. I have free tickets to some screening of something or other on friday. you can bring your blog-girl-friend if you want.

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