Thursday, August 24, 2006

Weightloss - The Poverty Diet

I've lost a couple of pounds lately. Around 10 if you want to get (almost) exact. I really haven't been exercising much to lose this weight. Well, I was doing at least 3 times a week, but then my schedule changed at work and my free afternoons went kaput. I think the reason that is contributing to my current weight loss is not having enough money to keep a fully stocked 'fridge or pantry.

Now, I've gone through this before, with fantastic results. When I first moved out of my mother's house, I had a shitty job which payed me about $1000/month. With rent, car payments, and a couple of credit card bills, I had just enough to live. Sure, the meals were scarce, but I must have dropped like 40 pounds in the span of just over a year. I was on the Cup of Noodles diet at that time.

Then, I started getting better pay, had more money to buy food, and the weight came back. Over the past few years, I've grown complacent with fitness. I got married and I guess somewhere, deep down in my subconcious, I started thinking that I didn't need to put too much effort in the way I look. I had the girl of my dreams, and she'd love me even if I put on a couple of pounds . . . or 30 . . . yeah.

Lately though, the poverty aspect has come up again. We're currently trying to save up enough money for a move, so any extra cash we get goes into the savings. I'm not making more money now than I was at the beginning of the year, but it seems like the bills just keep getting bigger and bigger, which is taking chunks out of our food budget. My wife helps with the bills, working sparse gigs here and there, but we're commited to putting that money into our impending move next month (crossing my fingers).

So, I'm back on the Cup of Noodles (or Maruchan. It all depends on what's on sale really) diet and drinking coffee for breakfast. Non-dairy powder creamer and Sweet & Low . . . because I likes to keep it "au naturel". The hunger pains throughout the day are a little off-putting, and the headaches I've been getting lately (could be increased by stress . . . who knows) are scaring me a little . . . but this extra space around the waistline on my pants is re-affirming. I think I might start working out again to kick up my current weightloss into an unhealthy over-drive.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen. DJ Tanner lived off of ice-cubes for like 2 days before she collapsed at the gym in that one "Full House" episode. I'm at least getting some calories.

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