Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HDH - Jessica Biel

Holy crap. I was not looking for Jessica Biel today when making my choice for the "Hump Day Hottie" . . . but one look at these booty pictures taken at "The Illusionist"'s premier made the choice for me. Just look at that. Red beans and rice didn't miss her at all. I know that sometimes Jessica Biel can look a little on the buffed out side, but you can't deny that she's got an a-typical white girl booty. The bodonkadonk on this girl just made me a lifetime (not the women's cable channel) fan. Now, all she needs to do is more full nudity in movies. Not because it's gratuitous. It's for the art of acting. The craft need more naked Jessica Biel. I just hope she doesn't get hit with the current Hollywood Anorexia trend.
"Yes, that is junk in my trunk. Thank you very much for noticing."

1 comment:

Jaime said...

in da 'hood . . . that is called a "ghetto-booty". i'm not from da hood . . . i am just full of knowledge.

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