Thursday, August 31, 2006

Scientology is Teh Gh3y

If this is what they do in the open, I wonder what crazy things are going down at the Scientology Center on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. You know they have to have crazy orgie parties where Scientology wenches strap on phalluses wrapped with tin-foil and proclaim their love for Xenu while tearing some male ass in half.

Or . . . this could just be a socially akward mishap that happened when they intended to kiss each other on the cheeks (all European style) and ended up kissing each other on the lips. One thing though . . . did they need to slip each other the tongue?

Dun dun dunnN!

*Note - I feel like such a subversive blogger posting shit about Scientology right under the noses of my Scientologist Overlord employers. Tee-hee.


lilfeathers2000 said...


Jaime said...

was that "ick" or "lick" . . . i can't tell.

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