Friday, August 18, 2006

Looking for Change

Just what change you might ask? Well, employment change. It seems that every year I am either forced to look for something new . . . or the company that I work for takes a dive south and starts trying to fuck me in the ass when it comes to the treatment we get. Everything was fine here for the first 8 months or so of my tenure at this job. I got a promotion and prior to that, a small raise. I even got the Sal a job here which would have netted me a nice referral bonus.

Then, the shit started hitting the fan. First straw was the way the company decided to hand out the "End of the Year" bonus. Sure, they made a decision on how to do that 3 months after the end of the year, but at least they decided on how to do it. The problem is they decided to give it out in installments. Every 2 weeks (with our regular paychecks) we got these installments. So, any plans I had with that money (XBOX 360, iPod for the wife) went down the drain and instead the money went into the bills.

The next straw that hit the camel's back like a sledgehammer was the termination of all sales bonuses for employees. We had gotten a couple of these every few months and it was a welcome little help. 50 bucks here, 150 there. It was nice. They decided to end that because Sales kept not making their damn quotas. Fucking punks.

Then, the Sal's temperament and general gruffness (which is unique and one of the reasons we are pals) started getting to HR and the higher ups. It didn't help that he was tardy a lot as well. So he gets canned. After the 90 day period. I was supposed to get $500 after he completed that amount of time being employed, but HR came around (before he got the boot) and told me he was still under a probationary period and blah blah blah. So, I kissed the money goodbye.

The list of transgressions towards us continues as the raise the promotion came around with never happened. The executives here deemed it not necessary or that everyone in Tech Support did not do a good enough job to get a raise. Their official excuse is that the sales didn't justify it. So, we're all screwed. Our Retail Tech Support Supervisor (also slated for a raise) actually makes less than some of the regular techs now that he's not getting his raise. This sucks across the board.

So, I called up an old college pal who lives in Sacramento and I'm trying to get a gig up there. This means that I'm seriously thinking (and almost 90% sure) about moving out of Los Angeles to another city. This is a pretty big and scary change for my wife and I . . . but if it means I never have to work for Scientologists or take calls from retards who don't know how to use their computers . . . then I'm all for it.

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