Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Val Kilmer - Rubenesque

Val Kilmer was good looking right? Ladies, please let me know. I've liked him (not that way) in some roles he's had, in which he remained clothed, and never actually knew what his physique looked like. Until now, when I ran across this picture. Let's not even acknowledge the cowboy hat. I think he's pregnant. And he's going to give birth to a large donut. Or maybe he's just holding on to a conjoined twin that never developed past the "gut phase". Yes, there's one of those. I am a medical doctor in my spare time. I know what I'm talking about. Now, let me just review some medical case files (old "Scrubs" episodes) and then I'll get back to posting.

Oh yeah . . . Val Kilmer is fat. He is the Walrus, man.

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