Monday, August 07, 2006

"I'll Come at you like a" Box Office Result Post

Will Ferrel is unstoppable. Anything he touches turns to gold, which might pose some problems whenever he takes a leak. "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" comes it at #1, dethroning "Miami Vice" (who dropped down to #4) and kicking much pirate ass (PotC:DMC comes it at #3). The inexplicably renamed at the last minute "Barnyard: The Original Party Animals" comes in at #2, teaching kids that masculine voices coming out of typically female bovine creatures is ok.

"The Descent" finds itself right smack-dab in the middle with it's release. I guess more people like to laugh than they like to feel claustrophobia. Go figure. "John Tucker Must Die" continues it's WTF'ish presence on the countdown while "Moster House" disappoints Dreamworks with it's #7 place. It's made a decent amount of money, but nowhere near "Shrek" or Pixar ka-ching.

Another CG disappointement, "The Ant Bully", continues to get its ass-handed to it by other CG-kiddie movies. "You, Me and Dupree" shows us that it is a better movie than the recently departed "Little Man", but then again, anything that is submitted to America's Funniest Home Videos is better than either of those movies, so take that distinction with a grain of salt . . or two. Robin Williams' "Night Listener" opens up at #10 . . . and listens for some audience members, but never finds them.

Total box office takes in NASCAR white . . . to commemorate the race that watches it the most.

1. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - $47,000,000
2. Barnyard: The Original Party Animals - $16,040,000
3. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - $11,011,000 $379,709,000
4. Miami Vice - $9,683,000 $45,740,000
5. The Descent - $8,800,000
6. John Tucker Must Die - $6,050,000 $28,623,000
7. Monster House - $6,000,000 $56,952,000
8. The Ant Bully - $3,900,000 $18,161,000
9. You, Me and Dupree - $3,603,000 $66,782,000
10.The Night Listener - $3,600,000

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