Thursday, December 08, 2005

Techno Top Ten Light

When I do this, I usually have a "humorous" write up for each one of these, but I'm lazy today. So you just get the top ten right this minute on technorati. This is what people are looking for. Some stuff on a weird squid, the ever increasing in size Gmail, Lennon's son, the air marshall that shot the bi-polar would-be bomberdier, and answers to Yahoo questions. Just what these questions are is up to you to find out. So go on, find the questions for me. I'll reward you with a plug for your blog.

1. Squidoo
2. “David Brook”
3. Gmail
4. “John Lennon”
5. “Harold Pinter”
6. “Bob Herbert”
7. “Mena Trott”
8. “Air Marshal”
9. “Yahoo Answers”
10. “Ben Metcalfe”

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