Thursday, December 08, 2005

Streisand Drops Times

Barbra Streisand just cancelled her subscription to the Los Angeles Times. This makes news on Yahoo apparently. And just why is this important? Why am i writing about it? Because it's ridiculous. I don't care if she fucking ended her subscription to Martha Stewart Living because she doesn't like the towels that Stewart might be hocking that issue. Seriously, is the news so hard up for content that they will report on some cantankerous, way past her prime former diva that doesn't want to get a newspaper anymore? Oh no, how's she going to keep current on all the adventures of Marmaduke??!

I don't think her dropping the paper will affect its circulation much, unless she purchased a million copies a day. Then they might feel the pinch. She did have some lofty political goal behind her cancellation though. Seems the L.A. Times fired Robert Scheer, a liberal columnist that she was quite fond of.

I am borderline familiar with the guy. I hear him sometimes on NPR and he's very opinionated and speaks well and I agree with a lot of what he has to say. But if he for some reason was no longer asked to appear on NPR, I would not boycott their radio programs. Streisand is just making a big fuss over nothing really. Someone should tell her to get laid to relieve some tension. Maybe she could attend one of those Republican wife swap parties. Just a thought.

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