Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year Looms

As the new year looms closer and closer, I'll take a few moments to reminisce about 2005 before 2006's sword of Damocles smashes into it splintering it into nothing much more than a memory.

So, what did I do this past year. Feels like it went by pretty quick. My gig at Earthlink ended abruptly even as the higher ups told us we were the only profitable department and they would never outsource it. Sheah right! But that led to me learning that I have a super high IQ when I went to a job interview. Sure, I didn't get it, but that's most likely because my intelligence intimidated the people in charge there.

2005 also marked my 2nd year of being married, which is coming along just fine. I'm pretty sure that I am more in love with my wife now than when I met her. She's just a great girl. She's way better than all my other imaginary girlfriends of the past. Just having a corporeal relationship is way better than an imaginary one. The only drawback though, is when you buy a present for an imaginary person, you use imaginary dollars, which ends up being much more economical in the long run.

Other things of note, I started a new gig where I get . . . surprise surprise . . . days off, and benefits, and vacation time? What the fuck? Sure, I have to deal with people on the phone all day long, which is a fate that I would not wish upon my worst enemy (you lucked out Huckleberry Hound), but it pays the bills. And hopefully, all the money that I give out to Uncle Sam I'll see sometime next year. This new job will be kicking back a bonus to me sometime around late January/early Febuary of 2006 which will be used to purchase a couple of high end electronic items. I can't say what yet, since someone might be reading this, and I want to keep it as a surprise.

2005 also gave me the year that a sibling was injured during a war. How exciting. Thank you GW Bush. If it weren't for your little Middle Eastern Grudge match with a powerless camel humping dictator, then my brother would not have an extra hole where most of his foot should be. Thumbs up and I hope the next pretzel you choke on does the job right. :)

Oh, and who could forget the new car I bought when I thought I had a steady job with those jerkoffs at Earthlink. I tell you, nothing's scarier than making a big purchase and then finding out your only viable source of income just went *poof*. Sure, I didn't miss a payment on that thing so it all worked out after all. But for a while there, I was really worried about not just paying for this car . . . but the myriad of other bills that take a large chunk of my not-so disposable income.

I also started this little blog of mine, with dreams of making it big. Sure, in the beginning there were visions of a steady stream of advertising revenue coming in, and I hustled like a madman to get visits in here. Now, not so much. I made a couple of bucks here and there, nothing to write about really. So, I've given up on trying to make money off the internet. From now on, it's honest sit-down-on-my-butt and earn an hourly wage type of deal. The way White Collar Jesus intended.

This year also marks my entry into the X Box Live cult, which has contributed to the burning of my retinas for many an hour and also has contributed to many an eye-roll from the wife when I asked if I could play instead of hang out with her. Yeah, I have to ask. Why? Because she'll beat me up if I don't. I have the bruises to prove it. Halo 2 came out which contributes to the drain of time and also adds a little level of stress since 99% of the people on Live are assholes. Total Assholes. TA's. Even the Sal's brother . . . that backstabbing motherfucker. Just kidding Dankest. Quit betraying though, it sucks ass.

It was also a weird year for movies. There were good ones towards the end, but a whole lot of suckass during the beginning. Not like 2004. I don't think I can come up with 10 movies that I really loved this year. Sure, I could make a list of movies I enjoyed, but in a year that wrought upon us Fantastic Four and two movie about families with way too many children (pro-Mormonism at its best) the rest of the year pretty much gets tainted by those rotten apples.

I have to be missing something, but I'm tired, a bit cranky, and developing a headache from the never-ending ringing in my head. Goodbye 2005 . . . I barely knew ye.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

what's your gamertag. You can find me in there as SteelSimianV2

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