Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nipple-Topia - Rachel McAdams

I don't know what it is about December, but it seems that the nipple slip is all the rage this month. Case in point, Rachel McAdams, who just let everyone see what's been hiding under the fabric covering her breasts. This happened during the premiere of that "The Family Stone" movie, and some people might be delighted that this happened. But, upon closer inspection, it seems that something's amiss. Let's take a closer look at the strange anomaly that might just make you put your penis back in your pants.
Umm . . is that hair surrounding her nipples?? What the fuck's up with that?? Is this some sort of Canadian specific gene that makes the women grow hair around their nipples to deal with the chilly winter climates? I think she's got more hair around her nipples than I do, which would make her more of a man than I am. That, my dear reader(s) is not a good sign. I guess some of Rob Schneider must have rubbed off on her during filming of "The Hot Chick". I think the curse that switched their bodies hasn't been fully lifted.

Next time you go out in public wearing one of those wardrobe-malfunction prone dresses, I suggest you shave your chest Rachel. Seriously, you're killing the dreams of hundreds of thousands of fanboys around the world. Shame on you and your Monet-ish nipples. Even Tara Reid and her weird amoeba-shaped areolas are hairless.


Anonymous said...

Having hair around the nipple is actually a perfectly normal and natural thing to find on women. The celebrities, models and what-not that you see either have very fine hair which makes spotting it more difficult, or they have it removed. Models may be more likely to have theirs airbrushed away, along with all their other imperfections.

What, you think women are hairless naturally?

Jaime said...

if the above is indeed true (and i have not run into any hairy-nippled ladies in the past myself) then she could have had the common decency to either pluck or shave.

Anonymous said...

What "common decency"? Having a hairless body isn't a matter of decency, it's a matter of society's expectations. Why don't guys have to shave their armpits? That's more of a hygiene matter than a woman's legs, but society hasn't told guys to do it, so they don't. You probably haven't run into any hairy-nippled ladies because they've been embarrassed by "excess" hair in an environment that won't tolerate it. If you object to it on aesthetic grounds, fine, that's your personal taste; but to denigrate someone by implying that there is something almost morally wrong with them, that they don't have any "decency", is idiotic.

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