Friday, September 30, 2005

Kicked Out of Taradise

Looks like that retarded show that follows Tara Reid while she parties across the world didn't get a whole lot of viewers. I don't blame America for not paying attention. Who wants to see a coked up and drunk bitch travelling around the world and whoring it up? Actually, I would, but not if she if she looks/sounds like Tara. Shit, slap a bikini on E.T. and that sexy extraterrestrial would be hotter than Reid. Here's a transcript I pulled from The Superficial which in turn pulled it from a different site. It just goes to show you the depth of Tara's self-delusional thought process.
How many more years are [the media] going to pick on me? There's other new young bad girls. Move on to someone else! . . . I need one more great movie role so they say, 'Wow, she can act! She's a great actress.' Then I think they'll leave me alone . . . If I'm going to try and do something, it has to happen this year. I'm not stupid.

"People think [I am just a party girl], and it's bull[bleep]," she ranted to Hayden. "I wish they would just tell the truth. I'm not a drunk . . . I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a drug problem, for sure.

"Listen, if I could get good movies, you would never see me going out. But when there's nothing to do, what am I supposed to do, just sit in my house and go crazy? But going out is not all I do.

"I'm just fed up. I just want a chance again. I want to show that I am an actress . . . I just wish a director would believe in me.

"The gossip reporters know the truth. They know they could write good things about me. They could write I'm a good person who is cleaning up her act. I am getting older, and I want different things in my life. I want to get married and have kids.

"I've had a million publicists, and they've done nothing for me . . . Publicists are supposed to fight for me and believe in me, and they don't do that. They don't!

"I thought 'Taradise' was going to help me . . . I wanted to show the whole world the truth — I'm fun . . . But do I think it was cut like that? No. It could have been a better show . . . I didn't want to look like a total party-girl drug retard. I think the shots they show aren't fair."
Tara, you've never had a great role, you never will have a great role, and you will never be remembered as a good actress . . . because, simply, you are incapable of being a good actress. You need to have a brain and some sort of acting skills to be good. You lack both those components. I suggest you save whatever you made in the past, and just live out your life in a cave somewhere. It's for the best. And make sure you take a fully loaded .357 Magnum with you. So you can play Russian Roulette by yourself. Trust me, it's a fun game. Way better than Solitaire.

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