Friday, April 27, 2007

Opening Weekend Movies - 4/27/07

So . . . not a whole lot of posting going on this week, but I have a couple of extra minutes between porno free trailer sites and X Box 360 playing this morning before I have to go to work, so let's take a look at the opening weekend movies.

The Condemned - Let's go over what this movie has. Wrestler? Check. Futuristic-type setting? Check. People fighting to survive? Check. America's infatuation with reality television? Check. So, who's going to go watch this? All of those poor WWE wrestling fans. Vince McMann will be hearing a lot Ka-chings this weekend.

The Invisible - Sort of like a horror movie without any horror, or a mystery movie with no mystery because you already know what's going on. Interesting direction to go, huh? What were the producers thinking when they went into this? I think I'd rather watch "The Condemned" this weekend than this movie.

Kickin' It Old School - Jamie Kennedy is going to so X you if you go watch this movie. I can see it already. You're the only one in the theater and then he comes in, dressed in an usher uniform, with a fake nose on of course, and then you see the camera crews. Serves you right for paying 10 dollars to see this piece of crap that should have been straight to Betamax. Why Betamax? Because they're kicking it old school.

Next - What? The MTW show where people with loose morals go through dates in minutes, actually, they have a countdown. Oh, I knew it was too good to be true. No, this is Nick Cage, with another bad haircut, predicting the future to try to save something. Or someone. Does it even matter? You know this is science fiction when you have Jessica Biel as his romantic interest. Probably this week's big earner. *sigh*

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