Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"My Humps" Re-Worked

It's been a long time since I've actually liked anything that Alanis Morrisette has done, musically, but this cover of Fergie's "My Humps" is just to great to pass up. And, there's also a video that goes along with it that shows you that Alanis has a pretty fucking great sense of humor. And, even though she kind of looks like Jennifer Love Hewitt crossed with a horse, Alanis looks better than Fergie performing this song. That's just because Fergie looks like a troll that's desperately trying to hide its penis with a tuck-job. We can all agree on that . . . right? Fergie's a pre-op tranny. I mean, that would explain so much. I was looking for the MP3 to have it along with the video so you can rock this cover . . . but I couldn't find it. Wahh . . . .

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