Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Halo 3 Beta Announcement - Now with Video

Before you do anything, click on this link. Trust me, once you enter your age, and choose your format, you will not be disappointed. Unless, you're using dial-up, and then you can curse the heavens while you wait for this multiplayer video-doc to load up. Because . . . it is awesome. I don't use that word to describe many things, but this is, truly, and unequivocally, awesome.

So, after you're done panting over the beauty of the new maps and how great the game looks in it's Beta stages, you'll want to know "Hey, when can I play this shit?". The new additions to the game, like the returning assault rifle and those "bubble" and "trip" mines look like a step in the right direction. So, you're looking for a date. Well, wait no further, the date is . . .

But seriously, those maps looked fantastic. Specially "High Ground". I can't wait to play that. And despite the fact that a "man cannon" sounds like a grotesque euphamism for a penis, it looks fun to use as well. And I'm liking how you can now see the weapon you're not using attached to your back, unlike the previous versions where it just kind of disappeared into your back. That should stop people from sneaking up on others with a plasma sword surprise.

Ok ok, the date. Well, if you were lucky enough to get a Halo 3 Beta invite through the "Rule of Threes" promotion or you picked up a copy of "Crackdown" earlier this year, the Beta will have you waiting until May 16th at 12:00 AM. That's the one that is dark. It runs through June 6th at 11:59 PM, ending a glorious three week period where the likelihood of me playing anything other than a test version of a game is nil. So, people who got the invites will get to play it before anyone else, and then wait for the full game to come out, where we will be l33t enough to lay down the pwnage on some n00bs.

I can't wait. Check out the video, sit tight, and come mid-May, I'll see all you motherfuckers online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cant wait!

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