Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Travel-log (5302007-03:39)

It's Wednesday morning. Extremely Wednesday morning. I'm trying to shake off about 4 hours of sleep. Yesterday's 11 hour work day is still weighing me down. I think I broke a record yesterday, at least a personal one, when I took over 210 customer service calls in one day. I'll find out when I get back to work in a week. But now, we're on vacation. Why no sleeping in? We have a plane to catch.

Our flight leaves @ 7 AM today, but we need to get to the Burbank airport first, and my wife and I are having my mother chauffer us to the airport. She'll be here in just under an hour. We need to get there early to go through whatever check-in process and security checkpoints there are. It's only a domestic flight, but I haven't actually been on an airplane post 9/11, so I don't know what to expect. This should give us a wide enough berth that we won't miss our flight.

Otherwise, everything is going according to plan. Despite an overwhelming feeling that I am forgetting something, I'm doing OK. I'm sure that whatever is nagging at the back of my mind will finally become clear to me halfway to our destination. It'll be a very "Home Alone(ish)" moment. My wife is getting her decidedly larger suitcase together which has been in the process of packing for the past couple of days. I just hope nothing happens to these bags en route to Utah. I told her already to not put any valuables in them. We're taking those on our carry-on, which is just one messenger bag that is pretty much filled to the gills (if bags had gills) with our iPod Shuffles and digital camera.

Which reminds me . . . I need to empty the porn out of the USB drive so that there aren't any embarrasing moments downloaded into any of our family's computers while were there. That's what I was forgetting. I think. Let's just hope that's all. Got to take care of that. I'll continue travel-logging as possible.

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