Friday, May 04, 2007

Opening Weekend Movies - 5/04/07

Spider-Man 3: Wow, the time is finally here, and I don't have any money to go watch this. Granted, I read somewhere that the reviews are mixed, but who cares. The American public does not care about reviews, and judging by the business that the previous two movies made, this will be this weekend's guaranteed top earner. But, it does star Kirsten Dunst, who's snaggle-toothed performance I heard involves singing . . . twice?! Oh Sam Raimi, you're going to end up shooting yourself in the foot if you keep employing that troll in your movies.

Lucky You - This movie could not have picked a worst time to open. I mean, just take a look at its competition. Eric Bana, former "Hulk", and Drew Barrymore . . . who I don't know why she's even famous. This will be the movie that chicks take their boyfriends or husbands to if they're totally pissed at them and don't want them to see something remotely entertaining. So, if you find yourself watching this movie this weekend . . . what the hell did you do wrong man?

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