Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Boll Keeps Filming

And it makes the baby Jesus cry. Uwe Boll, cinematic mastermind behind "House of the Dead", "Alone in the Dark" and "Bloodrayne" is making a sequel to his hugely successful "Bloodrayne" movie which will take the vampire (re-cast) to the old west. Because setting a vampire movie in a locale where it's sunny most of the time is a fantastic idea. If you haven't seen any of Uwe Boll's movies, then you might not have noticed the slight tinge of sarcasm that is permeating this post. When I said "successful", what I mean was "not successful". See how that works? Just how un-successful was "Bloodrayne"? Well, it cost $25 million to finance, and it took in $3.5 million . . . . worldwide.

Who keeps giving this guy money to make more crappy movies nobody watches? Here is my prediction as to what he will throw on screen and force unsuspecting movie-watchers to view. Based on his previous cinematic offerings . . . this is the only logical progression.
Bloodrayne 2: Pooptacular

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