Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sexy to Un-Sexy . . . en Francais

I've been posting a steady stream of hot material here on BAFW for the past few days. I think it's time I change it up a bit. I don't want to get stuck in a rut. A sexy rut. So, here's a little music video I found today on YouTube that kind of baffled me a little bit. See, I was not aware that "Prison Break" was so big in France. So big in fact that the show is dubbed (who could read French subtitles anyway) and even has a hit song tied to it. A French rap song. And here it is, in all it's glory, or lack-there-of.

The "artist" goes by the gangsta-moniker of Faf Larage, and the "song" is called "Pas Le Temps". You can tell from the opening synthesizer riff that this song is going to corner you in the showers and make you drop your soap. Because it is gay like that. Prison gay. Be prepared to write up an apology to your ears.

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