Monday, July 06, 2009

Jennifer's Body Red Band Trailer

If you were thinking to yourself lately: "I want to see Megan Fox in a movie, but I don't care much for giant transforming robots and Shia LeBoeuf", then I'm pretty sure that "Jennifer's Body" is the movie you've been waiting for. It's also the new one from Diablo Cody, ex-stripper turned screenwriter that gave us the delightfully sarcastic "Juno". And it's a red-band trailer, so you know that either skin is displayed or cursing happens. So, why are you still reading this, check out the trailer. You don't want all the cool kids thinking you're not hip.

Edit: For some reason, the embedded player doesn't want to work on my MacBook's Firefox or Safari browsers. If you're experiencing a similar problem, then you could go to the original posting here and check out the trailer.

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