Monday, June 11, 2007

Box Office Report - "The Nose Plays"

Ocean's Thirteen - It does not surprise me to see that this movie is taking the top spot this past weekend. I mean, it's pretty much got every single great Hollywood actor in it. It's just a great combination when it comes to making money. But, I'm still holding out on actually watching it.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - I am boycotting this movie as well. Just because it pisses me off that this movie has already made as much money as it has. It really shouldn't have. The last one wasn't even entertaining. Plus, that whole "every single pirate vs. the evil trading company and octopus face" just seems straight up boring.

Knocked Up - I did watch this movie. I did love it. I'm glad it has made over 60 million because these people need to keep making these types of movies. Quality comedies that aren't hindered by a PG13 rating.

Surf's Up - This is the kind of movie that makes me want to see penguins extinct already. What's next Hollywood . . . Penguins doing their taxes? Penguins acting raunchy? Oh wait, that one has already happened. Let the penguins rest. Move over to polar bears. Anything.

Shrek the Third - More like "Shrek the Turd". This is what's wrong with movies these days. This movie looks absolutely terrible, yet . . . it's made a ton of cash already. And Dreamworks won't stop churning these turds out unless you, as a viewing public, quit going to these movies. Just how many Shreks and Scary Movies do we need? Fuck you for making this happen.

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