Evan Almighty - Because people like crap, and Steve Carrell, it doesn't surprise me at all that this movie made it to the top of the pack this past weekend. It doesn't look all that funny to me, so I won't be watching it, but Steve Carrell's a nice guy. I hope it makes more money, for his sake, so he can move on to bigger and better projects.
1408 - I don't think a Stephen King movie has made this much money in recent history. This particular story I'm not all that familiar with, and it seems a little on the hokey side. But, it does look creepy enough to raise my interest. I'm just glad they didn't go the "made for TV" route with this one. I've always liked Stephen King stories, and if this one does well, it could pave the way for my favorite Stephen King yarn that is getting the big screen adaptation to make some nice cash. I'm talking about "The Mist", which should be coming out within the year. I hope. Look out for that one, and go watch this one while you're at it.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - I'm getting conflicting views on this movie. On the one hand, I've read that it is terrible. They get everything wrong. On the other side of the argument, they acknowledge the things that went wrong, but also praise the things that were right so much that it is recommended. Whatever the case, it's coming up on $100,000,000, which is pretty good for a movie these days. But, it still does nothing to make me want to go see it. That whole initial trailer-frenzy that I went through a few months ago has dissipated. I might catch it on HBO when it comes out on cable.
Ocean's Thirteen - Another sequel I'm not all that interested about. Summer is currently boring the shit out of me. Nothing comes out that I'm really jazzed about. Yeah, I just said "jazzed". This movie just looks like it's beating a dead horse. We got it after the first "Ocean's" movie. The second one felt like it was treading water. And the third one . . . I don't know, is there even any more water to tread on?
Knocked Up - This movie, I do encourage everyone to go see. It's already a financial success, but it still deserves more cinematic love from audiences all over America. This movie is better than "The 40 Year Old Virgin". That's saying a lot, because that movie was great. Don't wait for video or cable. Watch it now, then buy the DVD (or Blu-Ray or HD-DVD . . . whatever format you want) and then watch the movie on cable. You won't be disappointed.