Friday, February 01, 2008

Avril Lavigne in a Bikini

So, this is what being "punk" is all about? Having tons of money, wearing a bikini in the middle of what should be winter because you're on the southern hemisphere where it's actually summer, and hanging out in pools. Hmmm . . . that doesn't sound all the way right. But don't tell that to Avril Lavigne. She knows what "punk" is. I mean, look at those pink highlights in her hair. Totally punk. I do have to say that, whenever her mouth is totally shut, she does not look half bad. It's just when she opens her mouth and those vampire teeth of hers come at you that my penis tries to run away. Unless you're into vampires. Which makes you kind of emo/goth . . . and gay. Still, these bikini pictures are here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Ahh! Vampire! Where's my garlic wreath and wooden stakes!

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