Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Simpson Yearns to Adopt

Adopting third world country orphans is all the rage these days. Just look at Angelina Jolie and the new addition to her "family". Jessica Simpson doesn't want to be left behind on the whole adopta-child craze, and this is what she had to say about it.
"That's what I wanted for my birthday but I couldn't legally get a baby across the Mexican border," she said. She also hinted that she might adopt, saying, "I'll end up doing something which will touch somebody in some way that's good... through orphanages."

I'm pretty sure The Sal would love to be adopted by Jessica Simpson. He's mexican, he's tiny like a baby, and it looks like he wouldn't mind breast-feeding from those bossoms. Don't tell him that for a woman to lactate, she actually needs to go through child-birth . . . that'll just kill his fantasy. I'll pick you up a box of pampers and fill out the application buddy. You can thank me later.


Queen Esther said...

i didn't catch this blurb about js and adoption but i'm glad that you put your spin on it. (very funny with the lactating thing.) let's face it: when you want a baby and you don't want to ruin your size 2 body with a messy childbirth situation, adoption seems to be the only alternative.

Jaime said...

i think Britney Spears should have adopted. just look at her know.

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