Friday, February 24, 2006

BAFW Hilton-Watch 2006 continues . .

It seems that every week, there's a story about Paris Hilton here. But hey, it's not my fault she's such a loose whore and that I have to report on it. I mean, just look at this picture taken at a club named "Tao". I'm guessing that Paris does not know the meaning of the term "lady-like". Other terms she might not be familiar with include: abstinence, no & common decency. But what's more surprising about this picture is that she IS wearing underwear. Bravo Paris. I'm glad you're working on your image. Now I think you're not so much a blatant whore but a subconscious whore. It's like she's working on some primal instinct where she's trying to attract mates . . . but it's kicked into overdrive and she can't stop it or else she explodes. Like in Speed. She has to fuck 55 guys an hour or a bus load of innocents die.

And is it me, or do the guys in the picture look kind of like they're getting ready for a gangbang? Maybe that's why Hilton looks so happy.

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