Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Lifting of Paris

From the look of the picture here, looks like there might be some perks to working for Paris Hilton . . . that is, if you want your hand to be covered in herpes from touching her boobs while you lift her because she's too drunk to walk. With those types of perks, I'd rather be inhabiting a cardboard box on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. I bet the crack whores there are actually cleaner than whatever is coursing through Hilton's system. At least she's not trying to out-do Bleedy-Barton by showing up to a party in a white outfit bleeding from her asshole. I guess there is a line . . . even for someone like Hilton.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm Something tells me your not a huge fan of Miss Hilton.

Jaime said...

i hate rich slags with more money than they know what to do with so they just spend it making the rest of normal america watch them and wish they died of a bad case of eye gonnoreah.

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