Thursday, July 02, 2009

Denise Richards: It's Camel-Toe

I don't follow Denise Richards's career any longer. She used to be a big star back in the late 90's and early 00's, but now, she just has that show on cable "Denise Richards: It's Complicated" and it looks like a total snooze fest. If I had sleep deprivation problems, I might tune in to pass out, but you can ask my wife. I don't have that. I'm borderline narcoleptic sometimes. But now I'm deviating from the topic at hand, or, the topic at crotch if you will. While completely uninteresting to me in a professional sense, she does still have a slight camel-toe in the picture above, so now it's post-worthy. Enjoy the pic, and the one below, which is more a showcase of her bikini wearing abilities than the one above. I have to say, for no longer being a spring chicken, she's not looking terrible.

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